Good People Doing Good For Our Community

(03) 9380 8099

1/68 Melville Road, Brunswick Melbourne

Banish Pain by Regaining Proper Posture

  • Proper posture and properly using your body to work against gravity is the foundation upon which everything else related to your health is built
  •  the root cause of the majority of physical pain we suffer is typically caused by poor posture. 
  • Conventional advice tells you to tuck in your pelvis to maintain an S-shaped spine, but a far more natural spine curvature is a J-spine—your back straight, your lumbar relatively flat, and your buttocks protruding slightly
  • The method teaches you to reclaim your primal posture, which is the way your body was designed to stand, sit, and move
  • Techniques to elongate your spine, proper head and neck posture, and strengthen your midsection and back to elongate and slim your torso to help maintain posture are included