Elevate Your Game

Run Stronger for Longer Premium Physiotherapy for Peak Performance

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Rated 4.9 stars from 330+ reviews

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Runner on Road During Sunrise

Transform Your Run

Are you ready to transform your run? we don’t just analyse your run; we revolutionise it! 

Whether you’re taking your first strides or sprinting in international competitions, our tailored running assessments are your gateway to flawless form and sensational speed.

Why settle for average when you can run extraordinary? Dive into the advantage of having a skilled running physio to guide your stride. Our unique combination of video analysis and biomechanical screening isn’t just high-tech—it’s your secret weapon. By dissecting every detail of your gait, stride, and muscle mechanics, we pinpoint what’s holding you back and why.

Got a kink in your gait? We spot it. Energy leaks? Sealed. Our personalised programs aren’t just about patches; they’re about breakthroughs. From bespoke exercises to expert drills and coaching cues, every piece of advice is tailored to boost your strength, power, and endurance. It’s not just about running longer; it’s about adding life to your miles!

Key Benefits

Key Perks of a Central Performance Running Assessment:

  • Optimised Performance: More than just a quick fix; a comprehensive strategy to make you a powerhouse on the pavement.
  • Injury Prevention: Every runner’s nemesis, tackled head-on. We fine-tune your form to keep you on track, pain-free.
  • Normatec Decompression Boots: Run Longer, Recover Faster: Discover Decompression Technology
  • State-of-the-Art Techniques: From video playbacks to deep biomechanical insights, experience the avant-garde of running assessments.


Whether you’re jogging in the park or racing against the clock, understanding your running mechanics is pivotal. Don’t let inefficiencies drain your drive. Stop bouncing and start bounding forward with more power and less effort.

A physiotherapy clinic room in Melbourne with a treatment table and decompression Normatec boots for treating runners.

Components of a Running assessment

Come down to Brunswick Health where we treat every runner like a champion. Schedule your running assessment today and step forward with confidence and excellence.

Discussion Of Your Running History And Goals

Icon of documents and a magnifying glass representing the analysis of a runner's history for physiotherapy assessments.

We recognise that each runner has a distinct story. Whether you’re gearing up for a casual jog or targeting athletic glory, your reasons for running and your experience levels vary greatly. 

That’s why our running assessments begin with a detailed conversation about your running history and what you hope to achieve.

This initial chat allows us to customise our approach to match your specific needs. Aiming to elevate your performance to new heights? We’ll modify our assessment and physio coaching plan to suit your ambitions. Focused on preventing those recurring injuries that come with increased intensity? We’ll focus on refining your gait and crafting a training program that not only boosts your performance but keeps you injury-free as well.

Many of our clients have dual objectives: they want to enhance their training to improve performance, yet every time they ramp up their intensity or volume, injuries start to creep in.

They come to us not just to fine-tune their running technique but also to engage in a program that allows them to safely push their limits.

Let’s embark on a journey to a more effective and enjoyable running experience. Discover how our personalised physio approach at Brunswick Health can transform your run today!


Video Analysis on a Treadmill

Icon of a video clapperboard representing video assessments for runners conducted by a physiotherapist

Video analysis is an integral part of your running assessment at Brunswick Health.  We utilise Spark Motion Pro, a cutting-edge movement analysis app, to scrutinise your running form from both the side and the back. This powerful tool enables us to dissect your gait in detail, pinpointing areas of inefficiency, suggesting improvements, and understanding how your running style may contribute to previous injuries or future injury risks.

During your assessment, we’ll film your run on the treadmill and then review the footage together. By drawing lines and highlighting key aspects of your movement, we help you see exactly what issues are present and discuss the findings in depth.

This process is crucial as it allows you to grasp the dynamics of your running form, understand the changes needed, and recognise the benefits these adjustments will bring.

We’ve found that when runners truly comprehend the reasons behind the recommended changes to their gait, they become more engaged in the process and tend to achieve remarkable results. 

Let’s start this insightful journey together at Brunswick Health, where we turn analysis into action for your running success!

Comprehensive Biomechanical Assessment

Icon of a checklist representing a biomechanical assessment for runners conducted by a physiotherapist

Our biomechanical assessment is a fundamental component of your running session, meticulously evaluating your strength and flexibility. This assessment focuses on identifying muscle imbalances, as well as areas of tightness or weakness that could be impacting your running efficiency, limiting your performance, or increasing your risk of injury.

We integrate this critical data with the video analysis from your treadmill session to understand how these imbalances may be influencing your overall running technique. This holistic view allows us to confidently develop a targeted program specifically designed to correct any detected imbalances, weaknesses, or restrictions.

By addressing these areas, we aim to enhance your gait swiftly and effectively, helping you achieve a smoother, more powerful run. Join us at Brunswick Health’s running Physio assessment  to embark on a journey of tailored improvement that aligns perfectly with your running goals!

Run-Specific Strength & Conditioning Drills

Icon of a person lifting weights representing strength training for runners guided by a physiotherapist

Targeted drills and exercises are crucial for refining your running technique. Our program includes a variety of specific activities designed to enhance aspects of your run such as leg cycle, arm movement, and overall stability and control. 

From single-leg stance drills to ankling, and incorporating dynamic exercises like skipping and plyometrics, each activity is chosen to improve your neuromotor control and coordination.

This focus on precise movements helps teach your brain to optimise the use of the strength and power you’ve built through your conditioning program. By integrating these exercises, we help you not only run more efficiently but also move in a way that feels natural and powerful. 

Join us at Brunswick Health to transform your running technique with our tailored drills and exercises, and experience the difference in your performance!

Customised Training Plan

Icon of a person with arrows pointing inward representing customised

We know that a customised training plan is essential for boosting your performance and safeguarding against injuries. By carefully considering your current fitness level, running history, injury profile, and specific goals or upcoming races, we design a plan that’s perfectly suited to your needs.

Our training plans are comprehensive, covering everything from the frequency and duration of your runs to the types of runs you should focus on—whether it’s base building, recovery, threshold efforts, tempo sessions, or hill repeats.

This tailored approach ensures that every aspect of your training is optimised to improve your running efficiency and technique.

For runners at any level, from beginners to elites, getting the right training plan is a crucial step towards achieving peak performance and maintaining your health. 

Join us at Brunswick Health, where we create customised training plans that not only enhance your capabilities but also help you run smarter and safer. Let’s work together to push your limits while keeping you injury-free!

Targeted Injury Prevention Strategies

Icon of a checklist representing a biomechanical assessment for runners conducted by a physiotherapist

We prioritise injury prevention as a key component of maintaining a consistent and effective training program for runners at all levels, from recreational to elite. Incorporating injury prevention into your running routine is crucial.

We emphasise the role of strength training as a foundational element for this

A tailored strength program, designed to meet your specific fitness needs, is essential for any runner looking to stay injury-free. In addition to strength training, enhancing your running gait is another effective strategy to reduce injury risks. 

Through our detailed running assessments, we can pinpoint inefficient movement patterns and specific technique issues—like overstriding or a cross-over gait—that heighten your injury risk.

By addressing these identified issues with a targeted program, we help you adopt a more economical running gait. 

This adjustment not only improves your efficiency but also minimises the load on your body’s tissues, including bones, tendons, muscles, and joints, thereby significantly lowering your risk of injury.

Join us to fortify your running routine and keep those injuries at bay, ensuring you can enjoy uninterrupted training and achieve your running goals.


Discover How Our Melbourne-Based Running Physio Can Get You Back on Track!

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our general FAQ for quick answers. For queries specific to a particular service, see the relevant service page.

A professional running assessment is a thorough process designed to optimise your performance and minimise your risk of injury.

The assessment begins with a detailed conversation about your running history and goals. This sets the foundation for understanding your specific needs and aspirations.

Next, we conduct a comprehensive examination of your biomechanics through video analysis on a treadmill. This allows us to observe your running gait in real-time and identify any inefficiencies.

Additionally, a biomechanical screen is performed to further evaluate muscle imbalances and movement patterns that could impact your running efficiency.

Based on these insights, we develop a personalised running program tailored to improve your running gait and biomechanics. The goal of this program is not only to help you meet your running objectives but also to ensure you remain injury-free as you train.

Experience the benefits of a professional running assessment and take your running to the next level while safeguarding your body against injuries.

To maximise the benefits of your running assessment, it’s important that we understand your background and current training habits. Here’s what you should prepare to discuss during your appointment:

  1. Your Running Experience: Whether you’re a seasoned elite, a competitive sub-elite, or a dedicated amateur, we tailor our approach to suit your level.

  2. Recent Running History and Training Regimen: Details about your typical mileage, how often you run, your current training schedule, and any recent changes you’ve made to your routine.

  3. Goals: Share your specific objectives with us, whether you’re running for fitness, enjoyment, competition in sprinting, or training for marathons.

  4. Injury History: Bring information about any past or current injuries, including how they have affected your running.

  5. Appropriate Gear: Bring your runners (past and present) and wear comfortable clothing suitable for a running session.


By having this information ready, you help us create a more effective and personalised assessment that aligns with your needs and aspirations.

After your running assessment you progress through our StrideRight running program. This program includes approximately 6 treadmill-based physio coaching sessions delivered over 8-10 weeks, plus a tailored home exercise program. Your home program includes specific drills to help you build stronger technique as well as our physio providing coaching cues to integrate this in to your normal runs. The cost for these session are that same as our standard physio session. To view our fees click here.

A running assessment is a powerful tool that offers personalised feedback on your running form and gait. By providing detailed insights into how you run, it enables you to make precise, informed adjustments that can significantly enhance your performance and decrease your risk of injury.

Utilising both video analysis and a biomechanical screening, we gain a complete understanding of your running mechanics. This comprehensive approach allows us to create a targeted coaching program tailored specifically to your needs. With these custom adjustments, you can improve your running efficiency, ensuring smoother, faster, and safer runs.

Experience the transformative benefits of a professional running assessment and take your running to the next level.

At our clinic, we frequently encounter several running impairments that can affect performance and increase injury risk. These include:

  • Overstriding: Extending the leg too far ahead of the body, which can lead to inefficiencies and increased impact.
  • Poor Pelvic Control: Lack of stability in the pelvic region affecting overall running mechanics.
  • Medial Collapse: This involves the inward movement of the hip, knee, or foot, often leading to alignment issues and increased stress on the joints.
  • Insufficient Hip Extension: Limited movement at the hip joint which can restrict stride length and power.
  • Excessive Knee Flexion: Too much bending of the knee during running, which can strain the joint.
  • Restrictive Ankle Mobility: Limited range of motion in the ankle, affecting foot strike and propulsion.
  • Inadequate Striking Pattern: Improper foot contact with the ground, which can disrupt efficient running form.

Regular follow-up sessions are crucial for monitoring your progress and making necessary adjustments to your training plan.

These sessions help ensure you remain in top form, continuously improve, and effectively prevent injuries. By regularly evaluating your progress, we can fine-tune your program to better meet your evolving needs and goals, keeping your training both effective and safe. Stay ahead of the curve and maintain peak performance with our expert-guided follow-up sessions.

For runners, certain muscles play pivotal roles not just in movement, but in maintaining stability and efficiency during each stride. The main muscle groups that are essential for runners include:

  • Quadriceps: These front thigh muscles are crucial for knee extension and overall leg strength.
  • Hamstrings: Located at the back of your thigh, they work with the quadriceps to control speed and power.
  • Gluteals: These muscles are key for driving force and maintaining hip stability.
  • Calf Muscles: Essential for propelling you forward and aiding in ankle movement.
  • Abdominals: They play a significant role in stabilising your lower back, pelvis, and hips during the running motion.

Running is a whole-body activity, so while it’s important to focus on these specific muscles, incorporating compound exercises like squats and lunges is vital.

These exercises enhance coordination and functional movement, integrating muscle strength into running dynamics effectively.

Furthermore, complementing strength training with plyometric exercises, such as jumping and hopping, can greatly benefit a runner’s performance.

Plyometrics improve your ability to make quick, explosive movements, reducing ground contact time, which enhances running efficiency and economy.

By training your body to leave the ground quickly, you expend less energy, allowing for faster and longer runs.

This holistic approach to training ensures that muscle strengthening translates directly into improved running performance.

Every runner’s gait is as unique as their fingerprint. This uniqueness stems from variations in body structure—height, build, and symmetry—as well as from different injury histories, lifestyle factors, and activities outside of running. For example, the natural movement patterns of a 40-year-old desk worker will differ significantly from those of a 20-year-old landscape gardener.

Given these differences, it’s clear that there is no “one-size-fits-all” perfect running gait. Attempting to standardise everyone’s running form can be counterproductive, potentially causing discomfort or injury by forcing movements that exceed a person’s mobility or strength capabilities.

This is where the expertise of a seasoned running professional becomes invaluable, blending science with the art of tailored approaches that enhance each runner’s natural style.

Despite these individual variations, certain common elements can detract from running efficiency, increase energy waste, and elevate injury risk. These include:

  • Overstriding: Landing with your foot too far ahead of your body not only increases injury risk but also hampers performance.
  • Cross-over gait: Feet crossing too far over the midline upon landing can lead to issues like ITB syndrome.
  • Forward lean: An excessive forward trunk lean can impair optimal glute function, affecting power and stability.
  • Vertical oscillation: Excessive up-and-down movement wastes energy that could otherwise propel you forward and may increase the strain on your Achilles and calves.
  • Excessive trunk twist: This not only wastes energy but can also hinder forward propulsion.

At Brunswick Health, we focus on identifying and modifying these inefficient patterns to help you run more effectively, reducing your risk of injury while improving your performance. Our approach recognises and respects the individuality of each runner, guiding them towards their optimal running form.

We strive to keep you running even when you’re injured, using a tailored, modified program to accommodate your condition. However, certain severe injuries, such as acute muscle tears or stress fractures, may require a temporary halt to running to ensure proper healing.

As an experienced running physiotherapist, I understand that sudden changes in activity can be detrimental. That’s why we aim to maintain some level of running, as it can facilitate a smoother and quicker return to full activity without the need for extensive reconditioning.

Our approach is designed to keep you moving toward your goals, even if it means adjusting your training intensity or volume.

We employ precise testing and structured exercise progressions to manage your return to running in a scientifically sound manner.

Your ability to perform certain activities, like a single-leg calf raise or hop comfortably, is a critical indicator of your readiness to resume running. Each runner’s recovery plan is highly individualised based on their specific needs and recovery progress, ensuring that you return to running safely and effectively.

At Brunswick Health, our running assessments are priced the same as an initial extended physiotherapy session (allow 45 mins), making them both accessible and affordable. You can also claim these sessions through private health insurance funds.

We provide HICAPS for on-the-spot claims; however, your rebate and eligibility will depend on your individual insurance coverage.

For the most current pricing details, click here. 

Don’t let minor aches turn into major setbacks—take proactive steps to ensure your best performance on every run

Rated 4.9 stars from 330+ reviews

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We are Registered Providers
Health fund logos showcasing the various organisations that provide claims for chiropractic, physiotherapy, podiatry, osteopathy, and massage services at Brunswick Health.
Health fund logos showcasing the various organisations that provide claims for chiropractic, physiotherapy, podiatry, osteopathy, and massage services at Brunswick Health.