Person holding a model of the human digestive system, representing colonic health and treatments

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Colonic Irrigation at Brunswick Health

Are you ready to rejuvenate your body and enhance your overall well-being? 

At Brunswick Health, we offer colonic irrigation, a safe and natural treatment that helps remove accumulated waste and toxins from your colon. 

This procedure not only improves digestion but also increases energy levels and promotes a healthier gut. Our certified professionals ensure a comfortable and personalised experience tailored to meet your unique needs. Start your journey to better health today!

Key colonic Benefits

why choose colonic irrigation?

Enhance your digestive wellness with our colonic irrigation treatment at Brunswick Health. This effective therapy flushes the colon with warm, sterilised water, removing toxins and improving digestion, energy levels, and gut health. Our certified professionals tailor this safe, controlled procedure to your individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic experience in a welcoming environment.

  • Detoxification: Colonic irrigation effectively removes harmful toxins and waste products from the colon, which can accumulate over time due to poor diet, stress, and environmental factors.
  • Improved Digestion: By cleansing the colon, colonic irrigation can help enhance digestive function, alleviate bloating, and reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Increased Energy Levels: Many individuals report feeling more energetic and revitalised after undergoing colonic irrigation, as the body is better able to absorb essential nutrients.
  • Weight Loss Support: Colonic irrigation can aid in weight loss efforts by eliminating waste buildup, reducing bloating, and improving metabolism.
  • Better Skin Health: A clean colon can lead to clearer, healthier skin by reducing the body’s overall toxin load.

Whether you’re looking to boost your energy levels or enhance your overall well-being, understanding the benefits of colonic irrigation is key. Don’t let toxins and waste slow you down. Stop feeling sluggish and start feeling rejuvenated with a cleaner, healthier gut. Experience the power of colonic irrigation and transform your health with more vitality and less discomfort.

Vanessa Bruce colonic hydrotherapist performing colonic irrigation procedure on a patient in a clinic setting at Brunswick Health.
Carmen Farrugia, a fertility naturopath, consulting with a patient in her office.

Why Choose Brunswick Health for colonics?

Advanced Care: Colonic Hydrotherapists with Additional Health Qualifications

  • Certified Professionals:

    Our colonic hydrotherapists are not just certified; they also hold qualifications in naturopathy, dietetics, and remedial massage. While the colonic industry is unregulated, our practitioners’ diplomas and degrees ensure you receive top-tier, safe, and effective care.

  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: We maintain high standards of hygiene and use modern, safe equipment to ensure the best results.
  • Personalised Care Plans: We offer tailored consultations to understand your needs and create a care plan that best suits your health goals.

Our Colonic Process

Schedule your colonic irrigation session today and step forward towards better health. It’s time to surpass your expectations!

Discussion Of Your Bowel History And Goals

As you arrive at Brunswick Health, our welcoming reception staff will assist you with a comprehensive medical intake form.

It is crucial to provide detailed information about your medical history and bowel health, as this helps customise your session. We recommend hydrating well a few hours before and avoiding heavy meals prior to your colonic appointment. Preparatory information is sent via email after booking your appointment to optimise your colonic results.

Initial Colonic Consultation

Once you’ve completed the intake form, your colonic hydrotherapist will meet you in our reception area and guide you to the colonic room.

Here, they will thoroughly explain the colonic irrigation process, review your intake details, and align the session with your health goals. This discussion might cover your dietary habits, lifestyle choices, and the specific reasons for your visit, whether it’s addressing a health concern or as part of a proactive wellness approach.

Preparation Steps: To ensure comfort and effectiveness, we advise you to use the restroom in our reception area before meeting your therapist. This avoids cutting into your colonic consultation time. Once in the colonic room, you’ll undress from the waist down, using the provided towel for modesty, and then comfortably position yourself on the treatment table.

Insertion Procedure: The colonic begins with you on your left side for the careful insertion of the speculum, a quick process requiring only 5-10 seconds. Remaining relaxed is vital during this phase. After insertion, you’ll be asked to lie on your back.

The Colonic Process: Your therapist will begin with a controlled water flow adjusted for your comfort. Initially, you may not feel the water as it enters. The session involves several ‘fills,’ allowing the colon to fill with water, followed by a soaking phase to soften and dislodge waste. Proper hydration before your appointment enhances the effectiveness. During the 30-40-minute session, you will lie comfortably while warm, filtered water is gently infused into your colon, all under the supervision of our trained practitioners, ensuring a safe and effective procedure.

Release Phase: During releases, try to stay relaxed. Your therapist will provide guidance and gentle abdominal massages to facilitate the process. The amount and nature of release can vary, especially during your first session.

Comfort and Privacy: Our process is designed for your comfort and privacy. Clean, filtered water is introduced via a small tube, and waste exits through another, passing through a viewing tube for assessment by the therapist, ensuring no mess or odour.


Second Colonic Visit

On your second visit for colonic hydrotherapy, you can expect a more familiar experience, now that you know what the procedure entails.

Here’s a general idea of what might happen:

Health Update: Your colonic hydrotherapist will likely start with a conversation about how you felt after your first session and any changes in your bowel patterns or general health.

Treatment Plan Adjustment: Based on your feedback and any initial results, the therapist may adjust your treatment plan. This could involve changing the pressure, temperature, and duration of the water used.

Preparation: You’ll be shown to the treatment room where you’ll follow the same preparation steps as your first visit.

Colonic Hydrotherapy Session: The therapist will begin the session, and you may find yourself more at ease with the process and sensations, such as the flow of water and the release of waste.

Communication: It’s still important to communicate with your colonic hydrotherapist about any discomfort. Since it’s your second time, you might be better able to describe your sensations and comfort level.

Relaxation: You might find it easier to relax during the treatment, which can lead to a more effective session.

Immediate Aftercare: After the session, you might notice that your body responds more quickly to the therapy, with feelings of lightness or well-being.

Observations: The therapist might share observations from the session, possibly noting improvements or suggesting dietary adjustments.

Self-Care Tips: Your therapist will provide more detailed advice on how to support your colon health between sessions.

Next Steps: If further sessions are part of your treatment plan, you’ll discuss the timing and focus of subsequent visits. They might suggest incorporating specific infusions into your colonic hydrotherapy, which could include:

Coffee Infusions: Known for their detoxifying effects, coffee infusions can stimulate liver function and bile flow, enhancing the cleansing process.

Probiotic Infusions: To help restore and balance the beneficial bacteria in the colon, probiotic infusions may be recommended, especially if you’ve had issues with gut flora.

Turmeric Infusions: With its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can be beneficial for reducing inflammation and promoting healing within the digestive tract.

Alkalising Infusions: These can help to balance the pH levels in the colon, which may be beneficial for overall colon health and aiding in the removal of waste.

Your therapist will provide guidance on what might be most appropriate for you based on your individual health status and treatment goals. These infusions are designed to support the colonic hydrotherapy process and promote a healthier digestive system. 

Remember, every individual’s experience with colonic hydrotherapy can be different, and your response to the treatment can evolve over time. It’s important to maintain open communication with your therapist and report any post-treatment outcomes you experience to ensure your care is optimised for your needs.

Pre-Colonic Preparation

Preparing for colonic irrigation is an essential step to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment. Here’s how to optimise your experience:

Dietary Considerations Before Your Colonic

  • Fasting Window: It’s best to avoid eating 1.5 to 2 hours before your appointment. A full stomach can lead to discomfort and may even induce nausea during the procedure. Additionally, an empty stomach makes the abdominal massage, an important component of the colonic process for dislodging stubborn faecal matter, more comfortably and effectively.

  • Limit Carbonation: Refrain from consuming fizzy drinks at least 24 hours prior to your session. Carbonation can lead to excess gas and bloating, which might make the colonic experience less comfortable.

  • Reduce Gas-Inducing Foods: To minimise discomfort from gas, it’s advised to avoid certain foods at least a day before your treatment. Common culprits include wheat products like pasta and bread, sugary foods, certain protein powders (particularly non-plant-based), meat, dairy, and alcohol. While not everyone reacts the same way to these foods, reducing their intake can lead to a smoother colonic session.

Hydration is Key

  • Water Intake: Adequate hydration is crucial for an effective colonic. Aim for at least 2 liters of water per day. If you’re typically under-hydrated, make a conscious effort to increase your water consumption in the 24 hours leading up to your treatment. However, to avoid the need for frequent urination during the session, don’t drink excessively just before your appointment and make sure you toilet yourself just before your colonic.

  • Juices for Nutrient Support: Consuming fresh vegetable or fruit juices not only aids in hydration but also provides a surge of antioxidants and phytonutrients. These nutrients can support your body through the detoxification process of colonic irrigation.

If Preparation Time Is Limited

Don’t worry if you’re unable to follow all the preparatory steps perfectly. Our colonic hydrotherapists are skilled and adaptable, accustomed to working with clients who come in with varying levels of preparation. They will tailor the treatment to your needs on the day, ensuring you receive the best care possible regardless of the situation.

Remember, the goal is to make your colonic irrigation session as beneficial and comfortable as possible. By following these guidelines, you’re setting the stage for a successful treatment. If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your colonic hydrotherapist who is there to support you throughout this process.

And feel free to share this information with anyone who might be considering colonic irrigation; it’s always helpful to go into the experience well-informed.

Colonic Aftercare

Post-colonic session, your therapist will offer tailored advice, potentially including dietary changes and follow-up colonic sessions.

Stay Hydrated: Post-colonic care is primarily about maintaining hydration. We are, after all, approximately 70% water. Replenish your system with herbal teas, soups, broths, and water-rich fruits and vegetables.

Food Choices: After your colonic, choose foods that are gentle on your digestive system. Opt for warming and nurturing choices like miso soup, steamed vegetables, light proteins, and smoothies. These foods support the detox process initiated by your colonic.

Fermented Foods: Incorporate fermented foods into your daily diet to boost gut health and enhance digestive flora. Whether it’s sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, or kefir, these foods are powerhouses for your gut.

Probiotics: A quality probiotic supplement is key, especially after colonic treatments. While the procedure clears out much waste, including some beneficial bacteria, replenishing with a good probiotic is essential. Our clinic offers a range of practitioner-grade probiotics, and our skilled therapists can help you select the one that best fits your needs.

Avoid Certain Substances: It’s best to steer clear of alcohol, heavy meals, and overly spicy foods directly after your treatment.

Tips for Optimal Hydration and Health

Mineral-Rich Salts:
 Enhance water absorption with a pinch of Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt in your diet. These salts provide minerals and help you stay hydrated longer. Alternatively, a splash of lemon or lime can also aid in hydration.

Chlorophyll: Add this magnesium-rich plant essence to your water to ease bowel movements, alkalise your system, cleanse your blood, and offer deodorising benefits. A recommended dosage is 20ml per litre of water twice daily, though your therapist may tailor this to your individual needs.

Mindful Eating: Slow down during meals. Savour each bite, appreciate the aromas and flavours, and make your plate visually appealing with a variety of colours and fresh, seasonal ingredients.

At our centre, we’re committed to empowering you with knowledge and care that transcends beyond the treatment room. We believe in the power of colonics and are confident in the benefits you’ll reap from this time-honoured practice. Visit us and experience the difference as we guide you on your path to optimal health and vitality.

Ongoing Colonic Care

Your colonic hydrotherapist will provide more detailed advice on how to support your colon health between sessions.

Next Steps: If further sessions are part of your treatment plan, you’ll discuss the timing and focus of subsequent visits. They might suggest incorporating specific infusions into your colonic hydrotherapy, which could include:

Coffee Infusions: Known for their detoxifying effects, coffee infusions can stimulate liver function and bile flow, enhancing the cleansing process.

Probiotic Infusions: To help restore and balance the beneficial bacteria in the colon, probiotic infusions may be recommended, especially if you’ve had issues with gut flora.

Turmeric Infusions: With its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can be beneficial for reducing inflammation and promoting healing within the digestive tract.

Alkalising Infusions: These can help to balance the pH levels in the colon, which may be beneficial for overall colon health and aiding in the removal of waste.

Your therapist will provide guidance on what might be most appropriate for you based on your individual health status and treatment goals. These infusions are designed to support the colonic hydrotherapy process and promote a healthier digestive system. 

Remember, every individual’s experience with colonic hydrotherapy can be different, and your response to the treatment can evolve over time. It’s important to maintain open communication with your therapist and report any post-treatment outcomes you experience to ensure your care is optimised for your needs.


Discover How Our Melbourne-Based Colonic Hydrotherapists, Naturopaths & Dietician Can Help You Get You Back on Track With Your Gut Health!

Abdominal Pain


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Preparing for Colonoscopy


Frequently Asked Colonic Questions

Browse our FAQ to learn more about colonic irrigation and its benefits. 

Colon hydrotherapy plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system, which is vital for overall well-being. To appreciate the significance of colonics, it’s essential to understand the intricacies of our digestive function.

In a perfect scenario, our bowels would move efficiently and regularly, ideally two or more times daily. However, the reality is that many struggle to achieve even one satisfactory bowel movement per day. A good bowel movement is one that is well-formed, effortless and leaves you with a sense of complete evacuation.

Unfortunately, common issues like dehydration can lead to dry, compacted fecal matter that is difficult to pass, contributing to infrequent and uncomfortable bowel movements. When the body is dehydrated, it extracts every possible drop of moisture from the waste in the bowel, resulting in hard stools that linger longer than they should.

Another contributing factor is inadequate fiber intake. Fiber creates stool bulk, and without enough from varied sources such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds, the remaining roughage is insufficient to stimulate bowel movement.

Moreover, societal norms often discourage responding to our body’s natural call to relieve itself, especially in public or unfamiliar places. This “poo shyness” can lead to suppressed bowel movements, which in turn, desensitize us to our body’s signals and contribute to a sluggish colon. Like any muscle, if the bowel is not regularly and adequately exercised, it loses tone and strength.

It might surprise you to learn that an individual can carry between two to five kilograms of fecal matter in their bowel at any given time. This not only adds physical weight but also means the body is carrying around toxins it’s attempting to eliminate.

The process should be straightforward: the liver filters out waste and dumps it into the bowel. Ideally, this waste exits the body quickly. However, when bowel movements are infrequent, these toxins can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream and taken back to the liver, creating a toxic cycle. This reabsorption also includes hormones that the body is trying to expel, which can disrupt your entire system.

Other reasons for inefficient bowel function include parasites, bacterial imbalances, medications, IBS, a sedentary lifestyle, thyroid problems, mental health issues like depression, stress, or physical obstructions in the bowel.

Your colonic hydrotherapist, while providing relief and detox through colonics, may also recommend consulting a gastroenterologist for further examinations if they suspect your bowel inefficiency could be a sign of a more serious condition.

Some symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention include a complete absence of bowel movements, which could indicate an obstruction or a twisted bowel, and the presence of blood in the stool, which may point to internal bleeding or hemorrhoids.

It’s always better to investigate these symptoms sooner rather than later to either rule out or address any serious underlying issues. Colonics can be a powerful tool in your health arsenal, not just for cleansing but for maintaining the smooth operation of your body’s waste removal processes.

Colonic hydrotherapy offers a myriad of benefits, and your therapist is key to unlocking these advantages. They can help pinpoint the root causes of your digestive issues, from poor bowel habits to dietary missteps, and provide personalised advice to steer you toward gut health. They can also recommend specific herbal and nutritional supplements tailored to your unique health needs.

The primary benefit of colonics is the removal of accumulated waste, which significantly reduces the toxin load in your body. This allows your system to efficiently deal with new waste without the burden of a backlog, alleviating the body’s toxic stress.

Moreover, colonics can improve bowel tone. The alternating warm and cool water treatments not only facilitate waste removal but also strengthen the muscles of the colon. For these reasons, it’s generally advisable to opt for a “Closed Colonic” system, where a therapist is present throughout to adjust the procedure to your body’s responses, unlike an “Open Colonic” system, which is self-guided DIY and may not be as effective or comfortable.

For those dealing with long-standing constipation, colon hydrotherapy can be a game-changer, offering relief and restoring energy and lightness. It’s also an excellent aid in any detox program, helping to clear the path for a deeper and more efficient cleanse.

Even if you don’t suffer from severe digestive issues, colonics can address feelings of sluggishness, fatigue, lack of focus, bloating, and discomfort that may accumulate over time. It’s surprising for many just how much waste is expelled during a session, often leading to a profound sense of relief and wellness.

After chemotherapy, colonics can be instrumental in expelling cytotoxic drugs from the system. They are also beneficial prior to gastrointestinal examinations, ensuring a clear and unobstructed view for medical assessments.

Concerns about the loss of beneficial gut bacteria during colonic treatments are valid. While some good bacteria are indeed flushed out, the benefits of removing stagnant waste, harmful bacteria, and gas generally outweigh this loss. To counterbalance, incorporating a daily probiotic supplement and regularly consuming fermented foods like plain yogurt, kefir, kombucha, miso, kimchi, or sauerkraut can replenish and maintain a healthy gut flora.

When it comes to weight loss, colonics can play a supportive role. Eliminating excess waste can lead to immediate weight reduction. More significantly, it allows the body to process and eliminate toxins previously stored in fat cells, promoting a healthier metabolism.

However, it’s critical to address the underlying factors contributing to weight gain, such as diet, activity levels, hormonal balance, or other health issues. Your colonic hydrotherapist can offer guidance on making sustainable lifestyle changes for overall health improvement.

Preparing for colonic irrigation is an essential step to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment. Here’s how to optimise your experience:

Dietary Considerations Before Your Colonic

  • Fasting Window: It’s best to avoid eating 1.5 to 2 hours before your appointment. A full stomach can lead to discomfort and may even induce nausea during the procedure. Additionally, an empty stomach makes the abdominal massage, an important component of the colonic process for dislodging stubborn faecal matter, more comfortably and effectively.

  • Limit Carbonation: Refrain from consuming fizzy drinks at least 24 hours prior to your session. Carbonation can lead to excess gas and bloating, which might make the colonic experience less comfortable.

  • Reduce Gas-Inducing Foods: To minimise discomfort from gas, it’s advised to avoid certain foods at least a day before your treatment. Common culprits include wheat products like pasta and bread, sugary foods, certain protein powders (particularly non-plant-based), meat, dairy, and alcohol. While not everyone reacts the same way to these foods, reducing their intake can lead to a smoother colonic session.

Hydration is Key

  • Water Intake: Adequate hydration is crucial for an effective colonic. Aim for at least 2 liters of water per day. If you’re typically under-hydrated, make a conscious effort to increase your water consumption in the 24 hours leading up to your treatment. However, to avoid the need for frequent urination during the session, don’t drink excessively just before your appointment and make sure you toilet yourself just before your colonic.

  • Juices for Nutrient Support: Consuming fresh vegetable or fruit juices not only aids in hydration but also provides a surge of antioxidants and phytonutrients. These nutrients can support your body through the detoxification process of colonic irrigation.

If Preparation Time Is Limited

Don’t worry if you’re unable to follow all the preparatory steps perfectly. Our colonic hydrotherapists are skilled and adaptable, accustomed to working with clients who come in with varying levels of preparation. They will tailor the treatment to your needs on the day, ensuring you receive the best care possible regardless of the situation.

Remember, the goal is to make your colonic irrigation session as beneficial and comfortable as possible. By following these guidelines, you’re setting the stage for a successful treatment. If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your colonic hydrotherapist who is there to support you throughout this process.

And feel free to share this information with anyone who might be considering colonic irrigation; it’s always helpful to go into the experience well-informed.

Your colonic session is designed to be thorough yet efficient, ensuring you receive comprehensive care within a comfortable timeframe. Appointments are scheduled for one hour, with the actual treatment lasting between 30 to 40 minutes.

During your first visit, there’s an initial discussion phase. This includes a review of your health history, digestive function, and the specific reasons for your visit, along with a detailed overview of the treatment process. This is an important step to tailor the session to your individual needs.

For follow-up appointments, your colonic hydrotherapist will conduct a brief check-in before beginning the session. This is to understand any changes or developments in your health since your last treatment.

The core of the treatment, the colonic hydrotherapy itself, will span 30 to 40 minutes. We also allocate ample time both before and after the session for you to use the restroom, change clothes, and comfortably transition in and out of the treatment, ensuring you never feel rushed. This holistic approach to scheduling allows you to relax and focus on the benefits of the therapy.

Your experience following a colonic session can vary depending on individual factors and the specifics of the treatment. Generally, most people report feeling rejuvenated, with a sense of lightness and increased clarity. However, it’s important to note that reactions can differ from one session to another and from person to person.

Particularly after a substantial session where you might release a significant amount of old faecal matter, it’s not uncommon to feel a bit tired or even slightly cold. This is a normal response, often referred to as a detox reaction, resulting from the body eliminating stored waste. It’s a sign that your body is processing and adjusting to the cleanse.

If you do experience these feelings, it’s beneficial to be prepared with some warm clothing to stay comfortable. Additionally, nurturing your body with a warm cup of tea, a nourishing soup, hydrating water, or fresh fruit or vegetable juice can be very soothing and helpful in these instances. These post-treatment steps are part of supporting your body through its natural detoxification process and helping you return to your daily activities feeling refreshed and revitalised.

Stay Hydrated: Post-colonic care is primarily about maintaining hydration. We are, after all, approximately 70% water. Replenish your system with herbal teas, soups, broths, and water-rich fruits and vegetables.

Food Choices: After your colonic, choose foods that are gentle on your digestive system. Opt for warming and nurturing choices like miso soup, steamed vegetables, light proteins, and smoothies. These foods support the detox process initiated by your colonic.

Fermented Foods: Incorporate fermented foods into your daily diet to boost gut health and enhance digestive flora. Whether it’s sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, or kefir, these foods are powerhouses for your gut.

Probiotics: A quality probiotic supplement is key, especially after colonic treatments. While the procedure clears out much waste, including some beneficial bacteria, replenishing with a good probiotic is essential. Our clinic offers a range of practitioner-grade probiotics, and our skilled therapists can help you select the one that best fits your needs.

Avoid Certain Substances: It’s best to steer clear of alcohol, heavy meals, and overly spicy foods directly after your treatment.

Tips for Optimal Hydration and Health

Mineral-Rich Salts:
 Enhance water absorption with a pinch of Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt in your diet. These salts provide minerals and help you stay hydrated longer. Alternatively, a splash of lemon or lime can also aid in hydration.

Chlorophyll: Add this magnesium-rich plant essence to your water to ease bowel movements, alkalise your system, cleanse your blood, and offer deodorising benefits. A recommended dosage is 20ml per litre of water twice daily, though your therapist may tailor this to your individual needs.

Mindful Eating: Slow down during meals. Savour each bite, appreciate the aromas and flavours, and make your plate visually appealing with a variety of colours and fresh, seasonal ingredients.

At our centre, we’re committed to empowering you with knowledge and care that transcends beyond the treatment room. We believe in the power of colonics and are confident in the benefits you’ll reap from this time-honoured practice. Visit us and experience the difference as we guide you on your path to optimal health and vitality.

Yes, when performed by certified professionals using sterilised equipment, colonic irrigation is safe and effective.

When considering colonic hydrotherapy, it’s crucial to understand the differences between Open and Closed Colonic Systems, as the choice could significantly impact your experience and results.

Closed Colonic System: Practitioner-Assisted Approach

  • Personalised Care: In a Closed System, a certified therapist assists throughout the procedure, providing a less daunting and more effective experience.

  • Abdominal Massage: Colonic Hydrotherapists perform massages to aid in releasing stubborn matter and adjust water pressure and temperature for comfort.

  • Temperature Variation: The use of hot and cool water alternates to stimulate and tone the colon. By increasing the tonic contractions of the colon’s smooth muscle, it propels the contents and helps “retrain” your colon’s behaviours. This is particularly important in conditions such as inflammatory bowel diseases where muscle contraction is significantly impaired.

  • Observation and Analysis: By observing via the colonic machine’s viewing tube, colonic therapists can identify different types of feacal matter and assess colon health, even detecting signs of liver distress or the presence of parasites, suggesting further testing when necessary.

  • Comfort and Safety: The procedure can be adjusted at any time for comfort, with no noise, odour, or mess, as waste is removed directly into a closed sewerage system.

  • Professional Consultation: Alongside the procedure, professional advice is offered for enhancing colon health in context of your medical history.

  • Preparation Guidance: Brunswick Health provides detailed instructions for better preparation before your colonic.

Open Colonic System: Self-Administered (DIY) Method

  • Complex Positioning: The self-insertion process in open colonic establishments involving a fixed speculum, can be quite challenging and might not be suitable for everyone.

    It requires straddling a fixed speculum tube and basin bowl, a positioning that can be awkward, uncomfortable, and difficult for some individuals. Gently lowering yourself onto the speculum demands a high degree of precision. Any misalignment or haste during this process could lead to discomfort or even pain. Moreover, incorrect or rough insertion carries a risk of harming the delicate tissues of the colonic wall.

    Additionally, performing self-insertion means you’re without immediate professional assistance during a critical part of the procedure. This absence of guidance can be particularly unsettling, especially for those who are new to colonic treatments.

    The physical challenges of the process, especially for those with mobility issues or physical discomforts, add another layer of complexity. Overall, these factors combined make self-insertion a less desirable choice for many, highlighting the importance of considering alternative colonic treatments where professional assistance is provided for a safer and more comfortable experience.

  • Controlling the Machine: The process of controlling the machine during colonic therapy involves a certain level of instruction and self-management that can be quite overwhelming. 

  • Initially, the therapist will guide you on how to operate the machine, including managing the taps and adjusting the temperature. However, the responsibility of handling these controls yourself during the treatment can be daunting.

  • This complexity is heightened by the fact that each individual requires a different treatment strategy based on their specific needs. For example, someone with a highly compacted bowel that is chronic in nature will need a significantly different approach compared to an individual with regular bowel movements who is attending for detox purposes. The variability in treatment strategies adds an extra layer of challenge for clients, as they need to understand and adjust the machine settings in accordance with their unique treatment requirements.

  • The risk might be slightly higher in open systems where the regulation of water flow can be less precise than in closed systems. While rare, there is a risk of bowel perforation during any colonic procedure. This can occur due to improper insertion of the speculum or excessive water pressure.

If the client incorrectly manages the water flow or fails to release the water in a timely manner, there’s a risk of ‘overfilling’, which can cause uncomfortable cramping and bloating.

  • Given these intricacies, the prospect of controlling the machine can be intimidating, especially for first-time clients or those unfamiliar with the specifics of their own treatment needs. This aspect of colonic therapy underscores the importance of thorough guidance from a trained professional and the need for clear, patient-tailored instructions to ensure both the effectiveness and the safety of the treatment that in our opinion only a  Closed Practitioner-Assisted Approach offers.

  • Client Comfort:  Ensuring client comfort during colonic therapy is crucial, and one of the significant challenges in this regard is the risk associated with the machine’s control management. Incorrect handling of the controls by clients can lead to ‘overfilling’, a condition where too much fluid is introduced too soon into the colon. This overfilling can cause uncomfortable, and sometimes painful cramping.

  • Why is it called an “Open System”: The term “Open System” in the context of colonic therapy refers to the way the waste is eliminated and managed during the procedure. In this system, the waste material empties directly into a catchment area built into the table, which is open and exposed to the air. This design choice has several implications:

    1. Sound and Smell: Since the catchment area is open, it’s common for sounds and odours to be more noticeable during the treatment. This can be a bit disconcerting for some clients, as they are more directly exposed to the natural byproducts of the colonic process.

    2. Hygiene Concerns: Since the waste is eliminated into an open catchment area, there’s a potential risk of contamination or infection if the system and the area are not properly sanitised with hospital-grade disinfectants between clients. This risk is heightened if there is any splashing or spillage during the procedure.

    3. Client Comfort and Privacy: The open setup can also impact the client’s sense of comfort and privacy. Some individuals might feel more self-conscious or uncomfortable knowing that the waste elimination is occurring in an open and more observable manner.

    It’s important for therapists to address these aspects with clients beforehand, ensuring they are fully informed and comfortable with the process. Additionally, therapists should maintain high standards of hygiene and privacy to alleviate any concerns related to the Open System’s characteristics.

  • Complications for Certain Health Conditions: Individuals with certain health conditions, such as severe hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, severe heart disease, kidney disease, or certain types of cancer, may be at increased risk of complications without professional guidance.

Considerations for Choosing a Colonic System

  • At Brunswick Health, the preference is for the Closed System, citing its safety, effectiveness, and the level of professional care provided.

  • In contrast, proponents of the Open System highlight client autonomy  during the procedure.

  • Each system has its advocates, but our experience has been that once a client experiences a practitioner-assisted closed colonic they will not opt for a DIY open system after trying both.

  • It’s essential to consider personal comfort, the level of assistance desired, and individual health needs when choosing between these systems.

Ultimately, the choice between Open and Closed Colonic Systems depends on personal preferences. Brunswick Health emphasizes the safety and effectiveness of the Closed System, backed by professional assistance. It’s crucial to make an informed decision, considering factors like privacy, safety, effectiveness, and the level of professional involvement desired in the process.

Colonics are generally considered safe when performed by a trained and certified colonic hydrotherapist. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks and considerations to keep in mind:

Safety Measures and Considerations:

  1. Professional Administration: Ensure the procedure is performed by a practitioner with recognised qualifications in colonic hydrotherapy.

  2. Hygienic Practices: The clinic should follow strict hygiene protocols, using disposable equipment and sterilised tools to prevent infection.

  3. Pre-Screening: A thorough health history and pre-treatment assessment should be conducted to identify any contraindications for colonic hydrotherapy.

  4. Contraindications: Certain health conditions (such as severe hemorrhoids, recent bowel surgery, active bowel inflammatory disease, severe heart conditions, or general frailty) may preclude one from safely undergoing colonics.

  5. Equipment: The use of modern, well-maintained equipment with proper water purification and temperature control systems is essential.

  6. Aftercare: Proper aftercare advice should be provided to avoid dehydration or electrolyte imbalances post-procedure.


Potential Risks:

  1. Perforation: The likelihood of experiencing a bowel perforation is extremely low, particularly when the procedure is conducted by a seasoned and qualified professional. Just as with medical procedures like a colonoscopy, the expertise of the practitioner plays a critical role in minimising the risk.

  2. Infection: If equipment is not properly sterilised, there is a risk of infection.

  3. Electrolyte Imbalance: The procedure can sometimes wash out minerals and electrolytes from the body, leading to imbalances.

  4. Discomfort: Some people may experience cramping or discomfort during or after the procedure.

To ensure your safety:

  1. Choose Qualified Practitioners: Seek out colonic hydrotherapists who have a verifiable history of safe practice and relevant credentials.

  2. Check Clinic Track Record: Opt for clinics that have a proven record of safety and follow stringent hygiene protocols.

  3. Understand the Procedure: A reputable therapist will walk you through the process and explain how they minimise risks.

  4. Listen to Your Body: If you experience significant discomfort or pain during the procedure, it’s important to communicate this to your therapist immediately.

The number of colonic treatments one might need is highly individualised and influenced by various factors, including the current state of your digestive and colon health, overall wellness, specific health goals, and how your body responds to the initial session.


For many clients, an initial series of three treatments scheduled in close succession is recommended. This approach helps to achieve a more thorough cleanse, removing accumulated toxins and waste from the colon. It’s common for individuals to carry between two to four kilograms of waste material, making this concentrated approach beneficial.

However, some clients may experience significant benefits from just a single session.

Every person’s body and health journey is unique, so responses to colonic hydrotherapy can vary widely.

After your first treatment, your therapist will better understand your body’s reactions and adjust the therapy accordingly. They will provide precise and tailored recommendations for any further treatments based on the initial outcomes, personal comfort, and any necessary adjustments to optimise the therapy’s benefits.

The ultimate goal is to support your health effectively and safely, aligning the treatment plan with your body’s needs and wellness objectives. Your colonic hydrotherapist will work with you to determine the best course of action, ensuring that the therapy supports your path to improved health.

Organic Coffee Colonic Infusions are an innovative step forward in the realm of colonic hydrotherapy, gaining popularity for their detoxifying effects and therapeutic benefits. By integrating organic coffee with purified water, this specialised infusion is introduced during a standard closed colonic session, enhancing the body’s natural detoxification process and providing a comprehensive cleanse.

Medical Insight and Benefits: Prominent doctors and respected research underscore the efficacy of coffee colonics, emphasising that the colon’s absorption of coffee is significantly more potent than oral consumption. The introduction of coffee through the colon directs it immediately to the liver, promoting the production of glutathione-transferase, a crucial liver enzyme. This enzyme functions as a master antioxidant, binding to toxins and facilitating their elimination from the bloodstream.

The procedure is designed to synchronise with the body’s natural detox pathways, potentially boosting the clearance rate by an extraordinary 500%. It’s common for clients to report feeling invigorated, experiencing medicinal benefits, and gaining mental clarity post-treatment.

Additional Therapeutic Benefits:

  • Enhanced Bile Flow: Aids in fat breakdown and the removal of harmful bacteria.

  • Liver Stimulation: Supports over 300 vital functions, impacting digestion and protein breakdown.

  • Improved Circulation: Increases blood and oxygen supply, easing symptoms like brain fog and headaches.

  • Elimination of Waste: Clears out old debris and potential parasites.

  • Bowel Motility: Encourages peristalsis, strengthening the bowel wall for more regular movements.

  • Skin Health: A clearer complexion often results from the overall detoxification.

Contraindications to Consider: Not everyone is a candidate for coffee colonic infusions. It’s advised to avoid this treatment if you have conditions like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, hypertension, or tachycardia, or if you are experiencing acute diarrhea. Those undergoing chemotherapy should also abstain, as rapid detoxification may interfere with treatment efficacy.

Procedure Specifics: The organic coffee infusion is introduced at body temperature into the colon for the final 20 minutes of a standard session, with the aim of retaining the infusion for 10-12 minutes. This method enhances absorption without additional inserts and concludes with a final flush.

When to Begin Coffee Colonic Infusions: It’s recommended to start with coffee infusions only after the initial sessions have effectively begun to break down accumulated waste. This allows the coffee’s therapeutic properties to work more efficiently. For newcomers, the third session is typically the earliest point to consider an infusion. Regular clients with recent colonic history may incorporate the infusion into their treatment sooner.

At Brunswick Health, our Colonic Hydrotherapists and Naturopaths offer a selection of colonic infusion options after thorough research and sourcing of premium products. Each infusion must be pre-booked to ensure fresh preparation on the day of your session.

Booking and Fees: To book a colonic infusion, consult with your colonic hydrotherapist to identify the most beneficial type for you. Bookings can be made via phone, email, or online, and must be done in advance. A standard colonic session fee applies, with a small additional charge for the infusion preparation.

By enhancing your colonic session with an organic coffee infusion, you’re not just cleansing your colon—you’re embracing a holistic approach to health that benefits your entire body.

Probiotic Colonic Infusions are an innovative addition to colonic hydrotherapy, offering numerous health benefits by enhancing the balance of your gut’s natural microbiome. Here’s a deeper insight into this beneficial treatment.

Why Probiotic Colonic Infusions? Introducing a high concentration of live probiotics directly into the large bowel can significantly boost the population of beneficial bacteria. This can help maintain the delicate balance of the gut microbiome by occupying space and resources, which might otherwise be taken by harmful bacteria like Clostridium difficile.

Therapeutic Benefits of Probiotic Infusions

  • Reduction of Inflammation: May alleviate symptoms of conditions like ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis.

  • Combat Fungal Infections: Can help manage candida albicans overgrowth.

  • Detoxification: Aids in neutralising bad bacterial toxins.

  • Cardiovascular Health: May reduce risk factors such as cholesterol levels, hypertension, and type-2 diabetes.

  • Nutrient Absorption: Enhances the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients.

  • Digestive Comfort: Helps reduce gas, bloating, and encourages regular bowel movements.

  • Immune Support: Plays a vital role in immune function and overall health.

Natural Oral Probiotics Incorporate these probiotic-rich foods into your diet to support your gut health:

  • Yogurt with Live Cultures
  • Kefir
  • Fermented Vegetables (Sauerkraut, Kimchi)
  • Fermented Soybeans (Miso, Tempeh)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Understanding Prebiotics Prebiotics are food ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. They’re found in:

  • Garlic, Onions, Leeks
  • Asparagus, Artichokes
  • Bananas, Apples, Plums
  • Wheat Bran, Oats, Barley
  • Nuts, Tomatoes
  • Seaweed

Booking Your Probiotic Colonic Infusion Probiotic infusions are recommended from the third session onwards to ensure your colon is clear and ready to receive the full benefits. For seasoned colonic clients, the infusion can be introduced sooner based on your therapist’s advice. All infusions should be pre-booked due to the preparation required.

Other Colonic Infusions Offered At Brunswick Health, we also offer Turmeric, Alkalising Greens, and Organic Coffee infusions, each with its unique health benefits.

To book your colonic infusion, consult with our colonic hydrotherapists to determine the best infusion for your needs. Schedule your appointment in advance to allow for the necessary preparation. 

Colonic Infusion Fees All colonic infusions are an added feature to the standard session, with a nominal additional fee to cover the fresh ingredients and preparation involved. Choose to enhance your colonic hydrotherapy experience with a probiotic infusion for an integrated approach to your gut health.

Turmeric, renowned for its vibrant yellow hue and use in Asian cuisine, holds a place of honor in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Its remarkable medicinal properties span from being an antioxidant to exhibiting anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, and antimicrobial activities.

Curcumin: Turmeric’s Powerhouse Compound: The primary active component of turmeric, curcumin, has been the subject of numerous studies. These studies highlight its efficacy in managing various conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, cholesterol issues, liver disorders, diabetes, cognitive decline, and even mood disorders. Beyond its curative properties, turmeric also boasts a nutritional profile rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

The Protective Role of Turmeric: Turmeric’s phytonutrients act as cellular guardians, neutralising free radicals and minimising damage. The low cancer rates in countries like India have been partially attributed to dietary intake of turmeric and plant-based diets rich in phytonutrients. Curcumin, specifically, has been recognised for its influence on the gut microbiome, its protective effects on the intestinal lining, and its role in reducing inflammation, potentially beneficial for conditions like candida overgrowth and hormonal imbalances.

Turmeric as an Adaptogen: Turmeric is not just a spice; it’s also considered a secondary adaptogen, supporting the body’s resilience to stress. Adaptogens are sought after for their contribution to vitality, endurance, and mental clarity.

Challenges of Oral Consumption: The bioavailability of curcumin is relatively low when ingested orally, as it is not easily absorbed by the body. Furthermore, the digestive process can reduce its potency. This is where turmeric colonic infusions come into play, offering a direct route to the colon, bypassing the digestive system, and increasing the likelihood of absorption.

Our Specialised Blend: Our colonic blend comprises organic turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and chamomile, maximising the medicinal potential of the infusion.

When to Start Turmeric Colonic Infusions: It is advisable to begin turmeric infusions after the initial colonic sessions have effectively reduced faecal matter buildup, enhancing the infusion’s therapeutic benefits. For new clients, we typically recommend starting from the third session onwards. For regular clients, the option can be included in sessions, but it’s best to consult with your therapist on the most suitable infusion type.

Booking and Fees Book your turmeric colonic infusion in advance to ensure preparation. Additional fees apply to cover the cost and preparation of the infusion. Other infusion options available at Brunswick Health include Probiotic, Alkalising Greens, and Organic Coffee infusions, each carefully crafted for optimal health benefits.

Remember, the health investments you make today pave the way for a vibrant and balanced tomorrow.

Turmeric, renowned for its vibrant yellow hue and use in Asian cuisine, holds a place of honor in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Its remarkable medicinal properties span from being an antioxidant to exhibiting anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, and antimicrobial activities.

Curcumin: Turmeric’s Powerhouse Compound: The primary active component of turmeric, curcumin, has been the subject of numerous studies. These studies highlight its efficacy in managing various conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, cholesterol issues, liver disorders, diabetes, cognitive decline, and even mood disorders. Beyond its curative properties, turmeric also boasts a nutritional profile rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

The Protective Role of Turmeric: Turmeric’s phytonutrients act as cellular guardians, neutralising free radicals and minimising damage. The low cancer rates in countries like India have been partially attributed to dietary intake of turmeric and plant-based diets rich in phytonutrients. Curcumin, specifically, has been recognised for its influence on the gut microbiome, its protective effects on the intestinal lining, and its role in reducing inflammation, potentially beneficial for conditions like candida overgrowth and hormonal imbalances.

Turmeric as an Adaptogen: Turmeric is not just a spice; it’s also considered a secondary adaptogen, supporting the body’s resilience to stress. Adaptogens are sought after for their contribution to vitality, endurance, and mental clarity.

Challenges of Oral Consumption: The bioavailability of curcumin is relatively low when ingested orally, as it is not easily absorbed by the body. Furthermore, the digestive process can reduce its potency. This is where turmeric colonic infusions come into play, offering a direct route to the colon, bypassing the digestive system, and increasing the likelihood of absorption.

Our Specialised Blend: Our colonic blend comprises organic turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and chamomile, maximising the medicinal potential of the infusion.

When to Start Turmeric Colonic Infusions: It is advisable to begin turmeric infusions after the initial colonic sessions have effectively reduced fecal matter buildup, enhancing the infusion’s therapeutic benefits. For new clients, we typically recommend starting from the third session onwards. For regular clients, the option can be included in sessions, but it’s best to consult with your therapist on the most suitable infusion type.

Booking and Fees Book your turmeric colonic infusion in advance to ensure preparation. Additional fees apply to cover the cost and preparation of the infusion. Other infusion options available at Brunswick Health include Probiotic, Alkalising Greens, and Organic Coffee infusions, each carefully crafted for optimal health benefits.

For more information and to book your session, call us at 9380 8099, email, or book online. Remember, the health investments you make today pave the way for a vibrant and balanced tomorrow.

Alkalising Greens Colonic Infusions offer a unique and powerful way to enhance the body’s natural balance and well-being. Maintaining a slightly alkaline state, with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45, is crucial for optimal body function, and our diet plays a significant role in this.

Typically, diets heavy in animal products, alcohol, and processed foods contribute to acidity, while plant-based diets promote alkalinity. The body’s pH balance is finely tuned, as excessive acidity can lead to conditions like osteoporosis and has been linked to chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and cancer.

The Benefits of Alkalising Greens Colonic Infusions:

  • Detoxification: Our specially formulated alkalising greens infusion aids in detoxifying the body, promoting a shift away from acidosis towards a healthier, slightly alkaline state.

  • Oxygenation and Reduced Inflammation: This infusion increases oxygen levels throughout the body, which can reduce inflammation and improve overall vitality.

  • Nutrient Absorption: As the infusion is absorbed through the large intestine, it also delivers vital nutrients directly to the bloodstream, aiding in red blood cell production and cellular repair.

Why Choose a Colonic Infusion Over Oral Intake? While oral consumption of alkalising greens provides benefits, a colonic infusion ensures direct absorption and bypasses the potential reduction of benefits that can occur during digestion.

When to Begin Alkalising Greens Colonic Infusions: To maximize the therapeutic benefits of an alkalising greens infusion, we recommend starting from the third session onwards. The initial sessions focus on clearing significant fecal buildup, setting the stage for the infusion’s nutrients to be fully effective. Our approach is gradual to ensure comfort and relaxation, which are critical to the efficacy of the treatment.

Booking Your Alkalising Greens Colonic Infusion: Preparation is key for any colonic session, especially when incorporating infusions. All infusions must be pre-booked, as they are freshly prepared on the day of your treatment. To schedule an infusion, discuss the best option with your colonic hydrotherapist based on your health history and current wellness goals.

Additional Colonic Infusions Offered: Brunswick Health’s team has developed a range of colonic infusion options, including Turmeric, Probiotic, and Organic Coffee infusions. Each has been researched and selected for its health-promoting properties.

How to Book and Fees: To book your colonic infusion, consult with your therapist, then schedule at reception to ensure preparation. An additional fee covers the cost and preparation of the infusion. 

Choose Alkalising Greens Colonic Infusions for a rejuvenating treatment that not only detoxifies but also nourishes, supporting your body’s natural healing processes and promoting a healthier you.

Absolutely, having a colonic during your menstrual period is not only possible, but it can also be quite beneficial. This time aligns with your body’s natural cycle of cleansing and shedding, making it an opportune moment for a colonic treatment. The process can complement your body’s own natural detoxifying rhythm.

However, it’s important to note that we have a specific protocol for clients with endometriosis. Due to the unique nature of this condition, we do not provide colonic treatments to those with endometriosis during their menstrual period. This precaution is taken to ensure the utmost care and safety for our clients. If you have endometriosis or any other specific health concerns, please let us know, so we can tailor our treatment to best suit your needs.

When considering colonic hydrotherapy during pregnancy, we take a cautious approach for the safety of both the mother and the developing baby. It is generally advised against undergoing colonics while pregnant in the developmental phase of the first trimester.

As pregnancy progresses into the second and third trimesters, the decision to pursue colonic therapy should be made on an individual basis and with the utmost care. If you are contemplating a colonic during these later stages of pregnancy, we strongly encourage you to consult directly with one of our qualified practitioners. This conversation will help assess your specific situation, taking into account any medical advice you’ve received, and determine whether colonic therapy is a safe and beneficial option for you. Your well-being and that of your baby is our primary concern, and any treatments would be considered only with that in mind.

Colonic hydrotherapy for children is a delicate matter and typically not advised for those under the age of 14 at Brunswick Health. Children’s digestive systems are not only distinct from those of adults, but they are also more susceptible to the effects of any invasive treatments.

Key Considerations for Colonic Hydrotherapy in Children:

  1. Age and Maturity: Colonic hydrotherapy’s suitability for children is contingent upon their age, physical maturity, and their comprehension and cooperation during the procedure. Our clinic observes a minimum age requirement of 14 years to ensure safety and appropriateness.

  2. Medical Necessity: On occasion, for specific health conditions, colonic cleansing may be recommended by a healthcare professional. Such recommendations are made under stringent medical advice and are not taken lightly.

  3. Safer Alternatives: When addressing constipation or digestive issues in children, we advocate for gentler and less invasive approaches. These may include modifying the diet, increasing hydration, and the involvement of a Naturopath for natural remedies.

  4. Parental Involvement: We require the presence of a parent or guardian for patients under 18 during every visit, acknowledging the sensitive nature of colonic hydrotherapy and the need for familial support.

  5. Emotional Consideration: Recognising the potential for the procedure to be overwhelming, we place great emphasis on the emotional comfort and security of younger clients.

Colonic hydrotherapy should only be considered for children after thorough consultation with healthcare professionals. The decision must be made with a careful assessment of potential risks versus benefits, always prioritising the child’s physical and emotional welfare. At Brunswick Health, we are committed to providing a secure and supportive environment for all our clients, with their health and safety being our foremost concern.

After undergoing colonic hydrotherapy, the nature and timing of your bowel movements may differ due to the individual nature of digestive systems. The response is influenced by various personal factors, including the speed at which your body processes food (bowel transit time), the strength and consistency of intestinal contractions (bowel motility), and your regular bowel habits.

Some clients find that they have a bowel movement relatively soon after their treatment, possibly the next day, as their system has been stimulated by the colonic. Others may not experience a bowel movement for 1-2 days following the procedure. This can be due to the comprehensive emptying of the bowels during the colonic, which means it may take some time to accumulate enough waste to prompt a bowel movement.

It’s also common for the consistency and volume of your bowel movements to change post-colonic. They may be more fluid and frequent if the colonic has loosened and hydrated the stool, or you might find that your movements are less frequent but more substantial as your body adjusts to the treatment.

For a more personalised understanding of what you can expect after a colonic session, it’s essential to have a detailed conversation with your colonic hydrotherapist. They can provide you with tailored expectations based on your individual health profile and the specifics of your colonic hydrotherapy session. Moreover, they may offer advice on diet and hydration to help normalise your bowel movements post-treatment. Remember, maintaining open communication with your therapist is key to optimising your colonic hydrotherapy benefits.

Yes, colon hydrotherapy is indeed a method that can be used to prepare for a colonoscopy, and it’s becoming increasingly recognised by healthcare professionals for this purpose. Many gastroenterologists recommend colonic irrigation as a way to clear the colon prior to the examination. This recommendation is based on the potential for colon hydrotherapy to effectively evacuate the bowels, which is essential for a clear view of the colonic wall during a colonoscopy.

For optimal results, we typically suggest a series of three colon hydrotherapy sessions within the 5-6 days leading up to your colonoscopy. The rationale behind multiple sessions is that many clients come in with varying degrees of congestion in their colons, and dehydration can also be a common issue. A single session, while helpful, may not be sufficient to fully clear out all faecal matter, especially if there’s significant build-up.

By scheduling three sessions, you provide your body with a more thorough preparation, which may enhance the likelihood of a successful and comprehensive colonoscopy. While we cannot guarantee complete evacuation, this preparatory strategy has been beneficial for many clients.

In addition to the hydrotherapy sessions, your therapist might recommend specific supplements that can aid in cleansing the colon. These might include electrolytes to ensure proper hydration, as well as other natural products to support the evacuation process.

It’s important to discuss colon hydrotherapy as a preparation method with both your gastroenterologist and your qualified colonic hydrotherapist. They will consider your personal health history and the requirements of your gastroenterologist to tailor the preparation to your needs. With their guidance, you can approach your colonoscopy with greater confidence in the cleanliness of your colon, which is crucial for an effective examination.

At Brunswick Health, we take pride in our purpose-built colonic rooms, designed to provide you with the utmost comfort and safety during your colonic experience. Our facilities, combined with our expert care, ensure a top-tier experience for every client.

Highlights of Our Colonic Therapy Rooms

  • State-of-the-Art German Manufactured Colonic Machine: Equipped with advanced water filtration and sterilisation systems, along with an inbuilt diagnostic “viewing tube” for precise treatment monitoring.

  • Private Dressing Room: For your comfort and privacy before and after the session.

  • Ensuite Amenities: Each room includes a personal ensuite with a shower and toilet, ensuring convenience and privacy.

  • Adjustable Electronic Treatment Table: Customizable for your comfort throughout the procedure.

  • Temperature-Controlled Environment: Our rooms are climate-controlled for optimal relaxation and comfort.

  • Single-Use Disposable Speculums: Ensuring the highest standards of hygiene and safety.

  • Latex-Free Gloves and Hypoallergenic Lubricant: Catering to all sensitivities and allergies.

  • Hospital-Grade Sanitation: We adhere to strict cleaning protocols using hospital-grade chemicals to ensure a sterile environment.

  • Comfortable Attire: Gowns and/or T-shirts are provided for your comfort and convenience.

  • Additional Facilities: Including a toilet stool and baby wipes for your use.

  • Supplements & Tonics: Available optionally to complement your colonic treatment.

Our Professional Assistance

At Brunswick Health, we operate as a closed colonic centre. This means each of our clients receives personal assistance from a qualified colonic hydrotherapist throughout their treatment. Our therapists are not just professional colonic hydrotherapists; they are trained to identify early signs of digestive health concerns. We understand that bowel health is a critical component of overall well-being and believe in addressing any concerns promptly and accurately.

Your health and comfort are our top priorities. By choosing Brunswick Health for your colonic hydrotherapy, you’re opting for a superior level of care in an environment that’s been meticulously designed for your well-being.

You typically do not need a medical referral from a doctor to undergo colonic hydrotherapy at a private clinic. Colonics are often considered a complementary or alternative therapy and can usually be accessed directly by booking an appointment with a qualified colonic hydrotherapist.

However, there are circumstances where it is prudent or even necessary to consult with a healthcare provider before seeking colonic treatment:

  1. Complex Medical Conditions: If you have a known digestive issue, a chronic health condition, or are currently under medical care for another health issue, it’s wise to discuss colonic hydrotherapy with your doctor first.

  2. Pregnancy: If you are pregnant in your first trimester, it is especially important to consult with your healthcare provider before considering a colonic.

  3. Recent Surgeries: Those who have recently undergone surgery, particularly on the abdomen or digestive tract, should seek medical advice before proceeding with colonic hydrotherapy.

  4. Prescription Medications: Certain medications may interact with the colonic process, so a doctor’s guidance is important.

While a referral might not be mandatory, obtaining one can be beneficial as it ensures that all healthcare providers involved are informed about your treatments and can coordinate care effectively. It also provides an extra layer of safety by making sure that colonic hydrotherapy is appropriate for your specific health situation.

Colonic hydrotherapy is typically not covered by health insurance. This includes both Medicare and private health insurance plans. While some complementary therapies might be included in certain ‘extras’ coverages of private health insurance, colonics unfortunately does not fall under these benefits.

If you are considering colonic hydrotherapy, it’s advisable to be prepared for the likelihood that this treatment will be an out-of-pocket expense. However, since health insurance policies and their coverage can vary, it’s always a good idea to check with your specific provider for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Remember that investing in your health and wellness is valuable, even if it means budgeting for treatments not covered by insurance.

To guarantee a secure and beneficial colonic hydrotherapy session, especially if you’re considering a clinic other than our own, it’s vital to be proactive and informed. Below is a refined list of essential questions you should pose to any potential colonic hydrotherapy provider, along with explanations for why each point is critical:

  1. Preparation Protocol: “Could you provide me with detailed pre-colonic instructions to maximize the benefits of the session?”

  2. Post-Procedure Care: “What post-treatment care do you recommend to maintain the positive effects of the colonic?”

  3. Patient Assessment: “How do you determine if I’m a suitable candidate for colonic hydrotherapy?”

  4. Supervised Session: “Will a trained professional be present throughout my treatment to ensure it’s conducted safely?”

  5. Single-Use Equipment: “Can you confirm that all equipment is disposable and used only once for hygiene purposes, does that include the inserted colonic speculum ?”

  6. Water Treatment: “What measures do you take to ensure the water used is of the highest purity and safety?”

  7. Sanitization Standards: “What are your cleaning protocols for the equipment and facility after each session, does that include using hospital-grade disinfectants?”

  8. Staff Hygiene Training: “Who is responsible for the cleaning, and what training do they have to perform these tasks?”

  9. Privacy and Comfort: “Do you offer private and convenient facilities like ensuite toilets and showers?”

  10. Therapist Qualifications: “What are the qualifications of the therapist, and are they accredited and recognised here in Australia? Do they have a First Aid Certificate?”

  11. Documentation Practices: “How do you document each session, including treatment details and any observations?”

  12. Professional Insurance: “Is the therapist covered by public liability insurance for professional practice?”

By asking these crucial questions, you can assess the clinic’s standards and the therapist’s expertise, ensuring a safe, hygienic, and professionally conducted colonic hydrotherapy session. Remember, the goal is not just to cleanse but to do so in a manner that respects and safeguards your health and comfort.

Could the Overuse of Laxatives Be Impacting Your Mental Health? Experiencing irritability or forgetfulness after using a laxative might be more than just a coincidence. Recent observations by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggest that certain popular laxatives may potentially influence mental well-being. Although not definitively proven, these concerns are significant enough to have been flagged as a potential safety issue. In Australia, similar scrutiny is conducted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). It’s worthwhile to stay informed by checking their online resources to understand what’s being monitored.

Laxatives are among the most commonly used medications globally, but it’s time we reconsider our reliance on them and explore healthier alternatives.

Opting for colonic hydrotherapy can be an effective first step in retraining poor bowel habits and improving the tone of the bowel wall.

In addition to colonic therapy, making dietary and lifestyle changes can significantly aid bowel health. These include eliminating gluten, eating whole foods, reducing artificial sweeteners and sugars, incorporating fermented foods and probiotics into your diet, staying well-hydrated, avoiding certain constipating medications, and maintaining regular physical activity.

Natural alternatives, though slower to take effect as the body readjusts, offer long-term benefits without the adverse effects often associated with pharmaceutical laxatives. They require commitment and patience but can lead to transformative health improvements.

Embracing informed choices about your bowel health is a step towards better overall wellness.

In the Australian wellness landscape, colonic hydrotherapy operates without the oversight of a national regulatory authority, leading to a wide range of practitioner qualifications and expertise. This scenario mirrors that of other non-regulated therapies, such as massage, necessitating a diligent approach when selecting a service provider.

Key Points:

Absence of Statutory Regulation:

Without a governing body, the standards for colonic hydrotherapy practices are not standardised across Australia. This means that individuals offering colonic services may have diverse levels of training and experience, some with extensive education and others with little to no formal training in the field.

Diverse Educational Standards:

Potential colonic hydrotherapists have a range of educational paths available. This variation leads to significant differences in the depth of knowledge and the quality of care provided by practitioners across the industry.

For individuals in Australia considering colonic hydrotherapy, the recommended approach is to seek out practitioners who are affiliated with reputable allied health clinics. These clinics typically uphold high standards for their policies and procedures, often established by senior practitioners who are themselves governed by regulatory bodies such as the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). The rigorous standards enforced by such institutions tend to permeate throughout the practices within these clinics, thereby providing a layer of quality assurance for all services offered, including colonic hydrotherapy.

When selecting a colonic hydrotherapist:

  1. Look for Professional Affiliations: Choose practitioners affiliated with reputable clinics that maintain high standards of practice.

  2. Verify Practitioner Credentials: Ensure that the therapist has a level of colonic certification.

  3. Assess Clinic Standards: Consider clinics that adhere to strict hygiene protocols and follow best practices for patient care, as these are indicative of a commitment to excellence.

By taking these steps, you can feel more confident in the quality and safety of the colonic hydrotherapy services you receive.

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