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Spider Leg Veins

Spider Leg Vein Laser Treatment

laser Leg spider veins

Spider veins being treated by Laser

What are spider leg veins? In medical terms, spider leg veins are called Telangiectasias or  Angiotelectasis.  Real tongue twisters – I know! Spider leg veins are essentially permanent dilations of a group of small delicate superficial blood vessels (capillaries) creating an appearance of a spiders web hence the term.

They can be red, purple or even blue in colour. No matter the colour, or how they got there, they can be a source of embarrassment, especially for young adults. You avoid wearing short skirts, shorts or bikinis and you try to hide them as much as you can. No need to explain it any further -right?

Spider leg veins primarily develop from prolonged standing or sitting combined with a lack of exercise and compounded with excessive weight gain. Spider veins are common and although often present with varicose veins they are not entirely the same as spider veins are always superficial and only present in very small delicate capillaries.

Varicose veins are faulty valves within veins that allow blood to pool both in the superficial veins as well as the deeper larger veins. The deeper veins are the primary workers moving blood back towards the heart then lungs for oxygenation before spilling back into the arterial system supplying the body with much-needed goodies (oxygen & nutrients).

Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic issue but also may create health issues such as achy legs, the formation of rashes, ulcers, skin breakdown and blood clotting from stagnated pooling blood (DVT).

To prevent spider veins you need to move more, maintain a healthy weight, wear sensible shoes and exercise. Unfortunately once established in adults, spider veins do not disappear on their own hence treatment is necessary to dissipate them. The truth is, you only have 2 options, Sclerotherapy or Laser Therapy, one is radical whilst the other is conservative treatment.

Sclerotherapy is the more invasive option

We will start with the more radical approach, Sclerotherapy which involves a surgeon injecting a sclerosant solution directly into the individual veins – this targets the vein walls, causing them to collapse and disappear under the skin. Now, this process involves a surgeon, a synthetic substance injected into the body, substantial recovery times and is very expensive.

Short-term side effects include bruising, swelling, brown lines, lumps, matting and ulcers at the sites of the injections which are expected to eventually dissipate, some taking up to a year to completely clear.

However undesirable this sounds, the real risk is a reaction to the sclerant or the surgeon accidentally injecting the irritant solution directly into a healthy artery, causing tissue damage. If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea as it certainly isn’t mine, then option 2 is for you, Laser Therapy.

Laser vein clearance is a non-invasive, cost-effective way of gradually fading leg veins. At Brunswick Health, we use state of the art laser technology to shrink, minimise and eliminate leg spider veins, that won’t cost you a small fortune. Spider veins can be treated whether they are on your legs, arms, face or any other part of your body, the process is the same.

Palomar Laser

Palomar Laser

How does it work?
We use Palomar technology, ND Yag 1064nm wavelength laser which heats up the vein walls, causing them to collapse inside the skin away from the skin’s surface. The Palomar device is the next generation laser technology making it one of the most advanced, effective and safest non-surgical treatments for spider veins. It is a patented innovation made in the USA (not a knock-off Chinese brand) so you can be assured you are receiving the best quality in Laser therapy requiring fewer treatments with the same results.

It is clinically proven to achieve as good or better outcomes than simple treatments with lasers, with less pain and greater patient comfort. 

What are the benefits?

Unlike the surgical option, there is minimal discomfort, no incisions or needles, it’s a walk in walk out procedure, no downtime and only takes 30 minutes per session.

Is Laser Safe?

Yes, Only blood vessels are targeted by the ND Yag Laser. The ND Yag laser is a long pulse laser that travels through the outer skin layer to reach the spider veins. Light redness on and around the treated area will be noticed for up to 7 -14 days after the procedure.

Do the veins come back after they have been cleared?

Following the recommended number of sessions by our dermal clinician Niydalh El-Bouch, the veins will not return. However, new veins may appear due to the same reasons your initial spider veins appeared. Regular maintenance is recommended to keep new spider veins from developing. 


To view our fee schedule for skin treatments click here

Recommended Treatment Sessions

At Brunswick Health we pride ourselves on giving you honest and realistic advice on your treatments, this will be discussed during your initial consultation with our Dermal clinician Niydalh. In General, 6-8 sessions, 8 weeks apart are recommended.


Does it treat Varicose veins?

No, if it is established you have varicose veins you will be referred to a specialist for further assessment and treatment as Laser therapy is only effective for spider veins, not varicose veins.